Saturday, January 31, 2009

hate him (Saturday, January 10)

I hate him so much how can someone say that they like you when they just turn behind your back and call you fat. well i just had that done today to me and it made me so mad and sad. OK this is how it went kk. He called me all Christmas break and said that he thinks about me and he dreams about me and then the past few days he has not called or txted me and it turns out that her has a girlfriend that is one of my friends and that pissed me off so much. He took my heart and broken it and now its in little pieces and i didnt want that to happen to me again but he did it any way. and btw i have last a lot of weight so yeah i am still fat in all but its not good to call people fat it hurts them and i dont like to be hurt at all. so if you want to say sorry to me you can shove that fack one right up your ass ok.Peace. now i am going to go cry.

Amanda Rachel

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